The introductory episode of the new podcast is now out, and can be listened to here on Spotify and here on YouTube. Do you ever feel like you’re constantly playing…
evolve your strengths
The introductory episode of the new podcast is now out, and can be listened to here on Spotify and here on YouTube. Do you ever feel like you’re constantly playing…
As the calendar turns its pages to a brand new year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating the future. New Year’s resolutions have become a…
Must. Eat. Food. (Ok, brain, we hear you!) Our usual, primary source of personal energy is food. Our diet. Our senses of smell and taste help us find foods which…
The inspiration for this write-up is the Forer effect, which is the tendency for most people to identify with otherwise-general descriptions that are said to be about them. In other…
Anticipating or predicting can be helpful, but if you recognize when it is not, you can stop it. Instead of taking a forward step, floating to a side step can…
Habits are automatic behaviors, a relic of our evolutionary past. Hack further and improve faster!
There has been significant refinement in the superpowerable framework and related ideas. The refining includes organizing the elements into a story-like path. This hero’s trail is being mapped, and the…
The first book in the #SUPERPOWERABLE series is out! The book is available on Amazon’s Kindle (link), and the course is available here. More updates on these and other “super”…
Welcome to Superpowerable! The #superpowerable content is expanding, providing you with ways to enhance your human abilities into super powers!